Herbert ProkschaFounder of American food companies.

Strategic Advisor to Founders and CEOs. Took a specialty food manufacturer from capital raise to exit sale. Turnaround CEO. Food safety expert. Built five USDA inspected food manufacturing facilities.

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Depends very much on your own vision and goals along with your cashflow. If cashflow supports it, go for the bank loan. If not - convertible note for a private investor. I do not have enough detail to go deeper, but congratulations on your achievement. Herb

You can get the data you are looking for by buying subscriptions at a very high price from various research companies.

However, before starting to spend money, the "cheap, ultra-high quality products" is an oxymoron. Cheap and high quality products do not exists. You get what you pay for.

Also targeting large companies while drop-shipping via Alibaba will have a zero conversion rate.

IMO you need to re-evaluate your concept.


That will depend on your nationality. If you are a citizen in either country, the governments have various organizations that will help.

If you are not then you need to do a business plan and start pitching it. Without one, you will have no chance and certainly not from a website. Everybody will ask you to back-up your concept with numbers.

At this point, you have to step back and re-evaluate your plan. The possibility for you to raise money this kind of money for what is a non-scalable, hyper-local business are close to zero.

I suggest you focus on making money so that you are not dependent on your wife's income and then:
1) Create a business plan for your concept. That will show you if your idea is viable from a financial perspective. Do the research yourself and do not get fooled by your passion for your idea. Be totally rational when doing the numbers , not optimistic.
2) If the numbers make sense, then start trying to raise funds by approaching people in your network.
3) Do not spend anymore money for work that you could and must do yourself.

For more details:

The website right now is not important other than sales support. It still needs to be professional.

What is critical now is to find real customers and for that you have to do outbound marketing. Get a list of people that may be able to use your product or service and start calling them or go visit them.

It will depend where you want to position your brand. Luxury - go with decanter, otherwise use a bottle.

Start by finding out the actual number of female founders in the UAE. Apply a reasonable conversion rate to establish your market size. Multiply by your price = Potential market. The question yourself if you can make money with that market size? For additional detail: https://z-niche.com/2020/02/21/how-to-evaluate-an-idea-for-a-start-up/

Restaurant start-up financing most of the time comes from personal savings and investments by friends and relatives. Forget about finding a grant, restaurant start-ups are so risky that grants won't work and if you get a loan, it will have to be secured by you personally. So friends and relatives are the best way to finance your start-up.

Trade Show management starts with identifying the correct trade show to attend. You should get a list of trade shows in your industry and then carefully review the past attendee information they provide. If there are a sufficient number of attendees that fit your customer profile, investigate the cost of taking a booth at the show. Do not forget to include travel expenses and staff expenditures. If the ROI makes sense proceed to reserve a booth and then work out a detailed timeline and materials list.

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