
Depends very much on your own vision and goals along with your cashflow. If cashflow supports it, go for the bank loan. If not - convertible note for a private investor. I do not have enough detail to go deeper, but congratulations on your achievement. Herb


This is out of my specility.. but, recently I listened this pod about "Hiring Your First Virtual Assistant: When, Where, and How to Do it Right" & maybe it'll help you. Link:


If you have a creative skill like writing, graphic design, or video editing, you can offer your services on freelance platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. These require more effort but can be a good way to land small projects. Do you have clothes, games, or other items you don't use anymore? Consider...


Pivoting from selling a direct SaaS product to selling API access is a significant shift that requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure a smooth transition and successful implementation. Here are key aspects to keep in mind: Understand Your Audience Identify Target Users: Know...


Congratulations on your pivot! When shifting from a direct SaaS product to selling API access, consider the following key aspects: 1. API design: Ensure your API is well-designed, intuitive, and easy to integrate. Follow industry standards and best practices. 2. *Documentation*: Provide compreh...


Growing your Instagram followers quickly and effectively requires a combination of strategies and a good understanding of digital marketing. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you: Optimize Your Profile: Username: Make it easy to search and remember. Bio: Use keywords related to your niche an...


To find what large companies are currently buying, utilize multiple resources. Start by exploring industry reports and market research from firms like Gartner, Nielsen, or Forrester, which often highlight purchasing trends. Monitor press releases and financial statements of large companies for in...


Here’s a detailed look at why many parents struggle to guide their children effectively and some practical tips to help: Challenges Parents Face Lack of Knowledge: Many parents lack the information needed to guide their children effectively. This might be due to a lack of education or exposure to...


That will depend on your nationality. If you are a citizen in either country, the governments have various organizations that will help. If you are not then you need to do a business plan and start pitching it. Without one, you will have no chance and certainly not from a website. Everybody will...


In today's competitive mobile app market, keeping users engaged and coming back for more is crucial for success. Here's how mobile app development services can significantly improve user engagement and retention for your app: 1. Crafting Compelling User Experiences (UX): Intuitive Design: A use...


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